Nude workshop with Manfred Baumann

Once work with a really famous photographer. That's probably what many photographers dream of. Exactly this dream I have now fulfilled: A two-day nude workshop with Manfred Baumann! The workshop took place in a very large and impressive studio ("The Studio").  The first morning I was of course terribly excited. In my head I had a kind of "teacher - student" image, where Mr. Baumann works intensively with me on my technique and I can learn so much. Finally, the workshop also cost 600, - euros.

Of course, I was much too early in the studio and waited patiently for the start of the workshop. Slowly other course participants arrived. Then a few more. And a few more. It wasn't going to stop at all. Finally we were at least 20 people!!! Then I asked myself for the first time, how I should work there in peace with the models. Because of the many people, we were divided into three groups. The first group started with Klarynka with the flash, the second group with Vendula - they already had to do without lighting - and the third group... had a break! So one third of the workshop time I sat around senselessly. The rest of the time I had to share with the other people in the respective group.  The respective setting was simply given by Mr. Baumann. Working creatively with the models? No way. I was even whistled back by Mr. Baumann when I approached the model for a close-up. 

The excitement of the workshop quickly turned to frustration. The whole thing was a pure mass event, not a bit of a workshop. At least I understand something else under it. You could neither really work with the models, let alone set the light differently, nor did I get any personal attention from Mr. Baumann. But apparently only I felt that way, because the rest of the course participants were full of enthusiasm and did not leave Mr. Baumann's side.

In summary, I can only say that this was certainly my last workshop with Mr. Baumann. I have also done other workshops, not only in the field of photography, and therefore know that it can be done quite differently.

Here are a few photos from the workshop:




Abschließend noch zwei Bilder von dem Models. Beide waren sehr nett und natürlich äußerst fotogen: 


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